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Herna Motopreso Ownership/Management

Herna Motopreso is one of 54 properties owned by Gelp. The following ownership information is a subset of that available in the Gaming Business Directory published by Casino City Press. For more information about Gaming Business Directory products visit www.CasinoCityPress.com.

Gelp (Owner)
Revolucní 1082/2
Prague, 110 00
Czech Republic
Contact Info
Other Properties Owned
Casino Střelnice (100% Owned)
Herna 88 (100% Owned)
Herna AZYL GAME (100% Owned)
Herna Bingo (100% Owned)
Herna Bowling (100% Owned)
Herna Černý Kůň (100% Owned)
Herna Cristal (100% Owned)
Herna Domino (100% Owned)
Herna Flamingo (100% Owned)
Herna Gambie (100% Owned)
Herna Homolka (100% Owned)
Herna Honkong I (100% Owned)
Herna Honkong II (100% Owned)
Herna Hostomice (100% Owned)
Herna InFiniti (100% Owned)
Herna Joker (100% Owned)
Herna Kafíčko (100% Owned)
Herna Kalypso (100% Owned)
Herna Koruna (100% Owned)
Herna Kuřim (100% Owned)
Herna Labín (100% Owned)
Herna Las Vegas (100% Owned)
Herna Monaco (100% Owned)
Herna Na Růžku (100% Owned)
Herna Orange Club (100% Owned)
Herna Orlice (100% Owned)
Herna Papoušek (100% Owned)
Herna Pleasure Pub (100% Owned)
Herna Queens (100% Owned)
Herna Reno (100% Owned)
Herna Starwin (100% Owned)
Herna U Čermáků (100% Owned)
Herna u Pepy (100% Owned)
Kasino Přísečná (100% Owned)
Kasino Teplice (100% Owned)
Magic Planet Beroun (100% Owned)

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